Monday, July 21, 2008

"You Must Be 18 Years Or Older To Call...."

HA!!! i can call now lol! I AM 18 YRS OLD!!! lol its my birthday today!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayayayayayyay lol so tonite ive been posting post after post (actually jus two) but this is the most important lol cuz its about my bday of course lol!
Everytime i see Darian, i take videos and pics (of him)
after pic....


...after pic.....and a lot more but not going to post lol

and this is jus a random pic of me from that day

so since lulu and i have the same bday.... we planned to do smthing for our bday since june....the original plan was to go to a club on sunday (july 20) and then on monday (july 21st our bday) go eat at Applebees with our friends....the club turned into going to a hotel into going to edily's house and staying there with a few friends til 6 a.m. and jus have fun! ok so lulu calls me this week to tell me that edilys house is canceled so she tells me that we could go instead to a carnival by our house that sunday and i say ok so around friday we plan again to go to a club in passaic after the carnival but.....the next events happend today (sunday) and rite now its after midnite so its monday rite now

today (actually yesterday Sunday) lulu calls me and says that her mom only lets her either go to the club or the carnival and so she piked the club and the carnivals cancel and i was like OK! so while we get closer to the nite lulu calls me (while val was in conneticut coming back home to go to the club) that she wont be able to go to the club cuz its not a good day to do it and that she told val already and that we r still on for monday at applebees so i was like ok (i wasnt in a clubbing mood anyway) so i then talk to val and we plan to still do smthin for my bday and we planned to go to the club in passaic so ok...remember wen i plan smthing i end up doing smthing i never imagined....funny lol
i tell my mom about it and once i mention passaic shes like NO...cuz its dangerous blah blah blah and especially at nite and i talked wit my brother and his gf and they sed that the clubs at passaic arent that great so i was like ok i wont go to the club anymore....i was already mad at this point cuz my mom got all negative and stuff so i call val and told her that i cant go to the club anymore and shes like "ok lets go to one in paterson" like "if my mom didnt let me got to one in passaic, she'll never let me go to on in paterson" lol so at this time we were at Jenny's house seeing Darian and me playing with jazaiah lol

at this point (around 8:15 p.m.) my friends (erin, liliana, angie..etc.) call me telling me to go to Angies house to hang out for the nite...i call val and tell her about it and shes like ok so we'll go there and then do smthing else that mom hears me talking about going somewhere and calls me over....she says that wt am i planning to do and y am i making plans at this time and she says that its too late and that she doesnt want me going no where and then it ends p wit her saying that i wont go ANYWHERE tonite and im like "wt? but y wt did i do" so i was really mad at this point and also a whole confusion with the plan to go to angies house....i get home, erin calls me and i tell her that i dont think ill be able to go anymore and blah blah blah then val calls me and i told wt happened with my mom and i and how we argued and we plan to jus go over her house (since she lives down the strret from me) and jus hang out with alberto for a bit...the thing is that we jus had to do smthing! lol i tell my mom and shes like "no u rnt doing anything tonite" and again i start arguing with her and i call val telling her wts going on and my mom asks me to put vals mom on the they speak, telling each other hows its late and that their children shouldnt be out the end val and i only get 30 mins for me to stay at her house!!! 30 mins??? wt are we going to do for 30 mins?? it was around 11:26 at this time

so then i was really doubting to go to her house and especially that i was mad already....i talk to val and i end up going to her house and i brought my uno cards with me lol
we played Uno and took a lot of actually turned out to be A LOT of fun..we laughed so hard taking pictures and jus fooling around (val was like stretching her face to get ready for the pics and she almst choked on water and i made these weird grunt noises and her dog Stitch wouldnt leave my leg alone...he would start humping my leg everytime we would take a was pretty funny though) val called lulu and val and i didnt even notice it was twelve already so we sed happy birhday and everything lol

here are some pics we took rofl
LITERALLY playing Uno for my bday!

Stitch doing wat he was doing to me all nite grrrrr!!!

and more pics lol

val's head went down cuz she started laughing hysterically lmao

vals mom gav me a party hat and a bag of goodies lol!!! good candy though

i even got her mom to take a pic with me...but her face is really funny here cuz she also just started laughing hysterically out of nowhere *laughing rite now* lol it jus so happens that the camera captures that exact moment lol

so in the end, all of our plans got squished down to me playing uno at vals house for 30 mins lmao nice way to start my 18 yr old experience lol but tonite was honestly a REALLY NICE WAY to start it lol i like how i started my bday :)
i saw the Dark Night yesterday and its a GREAT movie!!! Heath Ledger makes it great...hes the BEST joker ive seen and, like ive sed before, lol im obsessed with the Joker so watching this movie made me love the joker even more!! (as a chracter lol) he was an AWESOME actor and its so sad that he had to die at the time that his biggest and best role in a movie would come out
i even have a pic of him as the joker on my fone as a homescreen and changed my menu colors to purple lol (purple's on of my fav colors!) the pics a little blurry:

R.I.P. Heath Ledger!

i'm 18 WHOOOTTTTT ITS MY BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lets see if we end up going to applebees tomro lol

1 comment:

Eibu said...


i count whati said in the forums as a comment >_>

So technically i did leave a comment LOL