Friday, January 23, 2009


Hmmm....When I was small and Beanie Babies were really famous (I was around 10 yrs old); I use to think those little stuff animals were annoying! But during 5th grade I got good grades so my mom bought me a Happy Meal and i got a penguin teenie beanie baby...and I loved it! HAHHAHA I'm a huge fan of animals so thus my collection of Beanie Babies started.....
But throughtout the years, I slowly stopped liking them and just stopped my collection...I still have all of them and one will sell them (I guess I'm just waiting for the right time lol)

But today, after school, (3rd day of 2nd semester!!!) I went with my mom to a store and they have really REALLy old beanie babies from 1993, '95, '96.....and they are cheap $4...beanie babies usually cost from $6 to $ I was like "you know....even though I don't collect them anymore, I have to get one of these OLD ones" so i did (i got 2):

In total (to this day) I have 157 Beanie Babies...and I don't plan on it growing anymore~


Anonymous said...

I remember your craze for those things. way back when!

I highly doubt you'll sell them or stop collecting them, you never know they might be worth something later on. ;)

Eibu said...

lol i remember when i got into it too
I have all of mine in a bag in the basement. apparently here they also sell the really old ones, i think in BJs
they are gonna be worth a lot... i remember one that i saw years ago from 1990 that was worth 30$.... imagine how much its worth now!