Saturday, September 13, 2008

Waking Up...

Today, we had "Amanecer con Cristo" which is a special thing that my church helds in which you show up to church at 5:00 a.m. on a specific saturday to have extra few hours to praise God and sing. I'e been to it before and its fun! One time, the lights went out and we didnt hav electricity so it made it more exciting hahaha. But today, i didnt go...and i kinda regret it a bit. I woke up at around 9:26 and went to church.

We had ppl over at my house from church to eat lunch and Jenny came too (my brothers at florida working so shes by herself). Then Albert (this annoying kid from church) came and he was asking Jenny a bunch of questions and stuff while she was taking care of Darian. She sed hes ANNOYING lol which i agree hahaha Cynthia was over at my house too

The only way i can wake up in the mornings is if i have my ringtone as an alarm lol My current ringtone is Lies from Big Bang (^-^)

1 comment:

Eibu said...

I tried putting LIES as a ringtone but ToneThis doesnt support the EnV2 yet :( still I like my ringtones lol

yes albert is annoying

TOOO annoying